Monday, 2 April 2012

Shell Formation

This build will be fast. I won't be going through the CG and Pepakura process. I'm going to build it the old fashion way. By eye!

Here's the initial formation of the shell.

Cutting it into strips. Heat gun to warm up the foam so it's pliable. Shape it over the form. Holding it for a few seconds until it cools. Once the foam cools, it'll hold it's shape.

 Repeat with every shape on the helmet...

Taping it up to check fitment

Once ok, it's time to pull out my favourite[sarcastic] tool, the hot glue gun. Glue all pieces together. 

 My client/boss:

1 comment:

  1. do you know how much square feet of foam you used total like to say would 2 20inx20in pieces be enough?
